Electrochemical reduction of the greenhouse
gas CO2 offers
prospects for the sustainable generation of fuels and industrially
useful chemicals when powered by renewable electricity. However, this
electrochemical process requires the use of highly stable, selective,
and active catalysts. The development of such catalysts should be
based on a detailed kinetic and mechanistic understanding of the electrochemical
CO2 reduction reaction (eCO2RR), ideally through
the resolution of active catalytic sites in both time (i.e., temporally)
and space (i.e., spatially). In this Account, we highlight two advanced
spatiotemporal voltammetric techniques for electrocatalytic studies
and describe the considerable insights they provide on the eCO2RR. First, Fourier transformed large-amplitude alternating
current voltammetry (FT ac voltammetry), as applied by the Monash
Electrochemistry Group, enables the resolution of rapid underlying
electron-transfer processes in complex reactions, free from competing
processes, such as the background double-layer charging current, slow
catalytic reactions, and solvent/electrolyte electrolysis, which often
mask conventional voltammetric measurements of the eCO2RR. Crucially, FT ac voltammetry allows details of the catalytically
active sites or the rate-determining step to be revealed under catalytic
turnover conditions. This is well illustrated in investigations of
the eCO2RR catalyzed by Bi where formate is the main product.
Second, developments in scanning electrochemical cell microscopy (SECCM)
by the Warwick Electrochemistry and Interfaces Group provide powerful
methods for obtaining high-resolution activity maps and potentiodynamic
movies of the heterogeneous surface of a catalyst. For example, by
coupling SECCM data with colocated microscopy from electron backscatter
diffraction (EBSD) or atomic force microscopy, it is possible to develop
compelling correlations of (precatalyst) structure–activity
at the nanoscale level. This correlative electrochemical multimicroscopy
strategy allows the catalytically more active region of a catalyst,
such as the edge plane of two-dimensional materials and the grain
boundaries between facets in a polycrystalline metal, to be highlighted.
The attributes of SECCM-EBSD are well-illustrated by detailed studies
of the eCO2RR on polycrystalline gold, where carbon monoxide
is the main product. Comparing SECCM maps and movies with EBSD images
of the same region reveals unambiguously that the eCO2RR
is enhanced at surface-terminating dislocations, which accumulate
at grain boundaries and slip bands. Both FT ac voltammetry and SECCM
techniques greatly enhance our understanding of the eCO2RR, significantly boosting the electrochemical toolbox and the information
available for the development and testing of theoretical models and
rational catalyst design. In the future, it may be possible to further
enhance insights provided by both techniques through their integration
with in situ and in operando spectroscopy
and microscopy methods.