The cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a significant oil and cash crop globally. Hundred-pod and -seed weight are important components for peanut yield. To unravel the genetic basis of hundred-pod weight (HPW) and hundred-seed weight (HSW), in the current study, a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population with 188 individuals was developed from a cross between JH5 (JH5, large pod and seed weight) and M130 (small pod and seed weight), and was utilized to identify QTLs for HPW and HSW. An integrated genetic linkage map was constructed by using SSR, AhTE, SRAP, TRAP and SNP markers. This map consisted of 3130 genetic markers, which were assigned to 20 chromosomes, and covered 1998.95 cM with an average distance 0.64 cM. On this basis, 31 QTLs for HPW and HSW were located on seven chromosomes, with each QTL accounting for 3.7–10.8% of phenotypic variance explained (PVE). Among these, seven QTLs were detected under multiple environments, and two major QTLs were found on B04 and B08. Notably, a QTL hotspot on chromosome A08 contained seven QTLs over a 2.74 cM genetic interval with an 0.36 Mb physical map, including 18 candidate genes. Of these, Arahy.D52S1Z, Arahy.IBM9RL, Arahy.W18Y25, Arahy.CPLC2W and Arahy.14EF4H might play a role in modulating peanut pod and seed weight. These findings could facilitate further research into the genetic mechanisms influencing pod and seed weight in cultivated peanut.