Kepulauan Seribu is known as the tourism sector, especially marine tourism and has the optimal oceanographic conditions for coral reefs suitability. Kepulauan Seribu National Park is an area as a form of conservation for coral reef ecosystems and other species with strict supervision and some restricted areas. In order to keep maintaining the conservation area, other factors such as economic and social factors are also considered by making the zone according to its location and function. Several zoning used of the area facing different problems or pressure either from natural factors or human activities. The purpose of this study was to analyze the distribution of coral reefs and the differences related to the physical characteristics of the waters in each zoning in the Kepulauan Seribu National Park using Sentinel-2A imagery. After that, data processing of research variables was carried out using bathymetry, sea surface temperature anomaly and ocean brightness data. This study found that the pattern of coral reef distribution on Belanda Island is centered on the Northeast while on Bira Besar Island and Pramuka Island are spread evenly along the reef flat. The highest percentage of coral reef distribution is found in the core zone & protection, which is equal to 6 % of all benthic habitat areas on the research island. In addition, inter-zoning has brightness and depth characteristics that vary according to geographical location.