Erosion is an indication of watershed degradation. In a watershed management, it is necessary to prioritize the handling that takes into account the characteristics of the watershed, one of which is morphometric character. This study aims to determine the priority location of erosion management in Oyo Watershed based on morphometric data using Fuzzy AHP modeling. Morphometric parameters that affect erosion are Rbm (bifurcation ratio), Rc (circulatory ratio), Dd (drainage density), T (texture), Su (Gradient) and Rn (Rugness Number). The highest value of the output shows the priority location that should be controlled. The high priority levels are found in 21 sub-watersheds with an area of 3,82 ha, medium levels are in 35 sub-watersheds with an area of 17,780.21 ha, low levels are in 106 sub-sub Watersheds with an area of 48,974.46 ha. The priority order for erosion management at the sub-watershed level is very important to prepare a watershed management plan in order to control soil erosion that is appropriate to protect the soil from further erosion.