Thiamine pyrophosphate is an essential cofactor that is synthesized de novo in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and other bacteria. In addition to genes encoding enzymes in the biosynthetic pathway, mutations in other metabolic loci have been shown to prevent thiamine synthesis. The latter loci identify the integration of the thiamine biosynthetic pathway with other metabolic processes and can be uncovered when thiamine biosynthesis is challenged. Mutations in gshA, encoding ␥-L-glutamyl-L-cysteine synthetase, prevent the synthesis of glutathione, the major free thiol in the cell, and are shown here to result in a thiamine auxotrophy in some of the strains tested, including S. enterica LT2. Phenotypic characterization of the gshA mutants indicated they were similar enough to apbC and apbE mutants to warrant the definition of a class of mutants unified by (i) a requirement for both the hydroxymethyl pyrimidine (HMP) and thiazole (THZ) moiety of thiamine, (ii) the ability of L-tryosine to satisfy the THZ requirement, (iii) suppression of the thiamine requirement by anaerobic growth, and (iv) suppression by a second-site mutation at a single locus. Genetic data indicated that a defective ThiH generates the THZ requirement in these strains, and we suggest this defect is due to a reduced ability to repair a critical [Fe-S] cluster.Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) is an essential cofactor for several enzymes, including pyruvate dehydrogenase, transketolase, and acetolactate synthase, for which it functions as a carbon unit carrier and electron sink. TPP is composed of two independently synthesized moieties, 4-methyl-5--hydroxyethyl-thiazole monophosphate (THZ-P) and 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine pyrophosphate (HMP-PP). Although several recent studies have increased our understanding of the synthesis of TPP in Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica (5,31,39,46,51,52,53), many central issues have yet to be resolved. The current understanding of the substrates and enzymes in TPP synthesis are outlined in Fig. 1A (6,15,[20][21][22][23]43,54,55). Significantly, L-Tyr donates a single carbon and the nitrogen atom to the thiazole (THZ) ring.Of the five genes implicated in the synthesis of THZ-P in S. enterica and E. coli (5,49,51), the products of thiFSGI have been assigned functions based on in vitro activity assays (31,46,47). However, the order of the steps and the specific metabolites in this biosynthesis have not been rigorously defined. The precursor for the pyrimidine (HMP) moiety was shown to be the purine biosynthetic intermediate, aminoimidazole ribotide (AIR) (22). The steps involved in the conversion of AIR to HMP are unknown, and to date, mutations in only one gene, thiC, have resulted in an unconditional requirement for HMP or thiamine.Past work showed that mutations in several loci distinct from the thi genes could result in a thiamine auxotrophy. Characterization of several mutations that indirectly affected thiamine synthesis has increased our understanding of thiamine synthesis and its i...