This study was designed to evaluate the performance of proven malt barley technologies in the Oromia regional state and popularize the selected malt barley varieties to enhance grain supply to the agro-industry. During the three years of popularization efforts the malt barley varieties including Bekoji-1, Holker, and IBON 174/03 have been introduced to Wolmera, Kersa Malima, Jeldu, and Degem districts. The results of descriptive statistical analysis revealed that a total of 46.32 quintals of malt barley improved seeds were disseminated with a total area coverage of 28.45 hectares. The total beneficiaries of the technology were 132 (124 male and 8 female) farmers in the four selected districts of three zones. A total of 519 participants from farmers, regulatory bodies, agricultural experts, development agents, and cooperative bureaus participated in the knowledge-sharing platform. About 398 individuals, including farmers, agricultural experts, and development agents attended the training on malt barley production and management practices. During the field days, and knowledge-sharing platform a total of 449 male and 70 female participants from farmers, agricultural experts, researchers, and district administration representatives participated. The purpose of field days was to share experiences and to collect feedback from the participants on the performance of malt barley technologies popularized. With regards to production, a total of 496.5 quintals of seed yield were obtained from 28.45 hectares of land, with an average grain yield of 17.45 q/ha. The performance evaluation revealed that variety IBON 174/03 got wider acceptance by farmers for its grain yield, high productivity, good malting quality traits, and earliness among the three varieties popularized. Thus, it is recommended that the highland areas above 2300 meters have the potential for malt barley production. In general, improving institutional support, strengthening the market linkage and commitment of all actors and farmers are crucial for enhancing malt barley productivity and farmers' livelihoods.