The rym1 is completely resistant to the Barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV)‐I, ‐II, the Barley mild mosaic virus (BaMMV)‐Ka1 and ‐Na1, and is acceptably resistant to BaYMV‐III. However, in breeding programs for BaYMV resistance, rym1 was not commonly introgressed into the established cultivars. This present study introduces a novel resistant gene, rym1, to a malting barley variety, ‘Mokkei 01530’, which was bred from a cross between a donor for rym1, ‘Y4’ line and a high malting quality variety, ‘Haruna Nijo’. This paper describes the malting quality and the agronomic performance of the line. The results indicate that ‘Mokkei 01530’, carrying rym1, is completely resistant to BaYMV‐I and has an acceptable level of resistance to BaYMV‐III. In comparison with its high quality parent, ‘Haruna Nijo’, the malt produced by ‘Mokkei 01530’ had similar levels of all malting quality characteristics. Furthermore, its agronomic performance was similar to ‘Haruna Nijo’.