“…The arable soils varied in the range of the parent materials (i.e., for example, debris from iron-rich sandstone, limestone, dolomite or clay sediments each overlain by layers with admixtures of loess) and were identified as Luvic and Haplic Stagnosols, Dystric, Eutric and Colluvic Cambisols, Dystric Regosols and Calcic Leptosols. Soil textures in topsoils (Ap horizons) ranged from (sample counts in parentheses) sand (2), to loamy sand (9), silty sand (8), sandy loam (2), silty loam and silt (11), clay loam (6) and silty clay (4). At each plot, soil was sampled from the top horizon (Ap, 0-10 cm depth).…”