Experiments in HIDRA have had operational discharges between tdischarge = 60 – 1000 s using ECRH heating. This means that quasi-steady-state plasma discharges reach conditions to study long-pulse plasma material interactions. The HIDRA-MAT PMI diagnostic is used to place a drop of lithium onto a heated tungsten surface, transfer the sample in-vacuo and expose it in a helium plasma. Helium is of interest as there is an open question to whether lithium will be able to remove helium ash in real fusion devices. It was also observed that the plasma density and temperature increased by over 2.5 times. During lithium evaporation, as significant lithium ionization occurs, there is a 91% drop in the neutral pressure that is injected into the vessel, despite a constant flow of He gas. This is backed up by the fact that the helium neutral light intensity also drops. At one point in the discharge a lithium plasma is created, as indicated by an increase in Li+ emission and a complete reduction in He+ emission, but the electron density jumps from ne = 3×1018 m-3 to over ne = 8×1018 m-3 while the core temperature stays relatively constant between Te = 16 eV – 20 eV. Once the source of lithium is expired, residual Li and Li+ in the plasma maintain a low neutral He background which allows a He plasma to re-establish and be more efficiently heated. Here the density drops down to ne = 2×1018 m-3 and the electron temperature increases from Te = 20 eV to over Te = 50 eV. This is also indicated by the He+ emission re-establishing and having a higher intensity. In this paper we show the results from the first lithium campaign in HIDRA. In the presence of lithium, the helium disappears from the plasma via an as of yet unknown complex relationship that needs to be further studied.