A 3133-bp nucleotide sequence of the gene Pazl on chromosome 4 of barley, encoding endosperm protein Z4, has been determined. The sequence includes 1079 bp 5' upstream and 523 bp 3' downstream of the coding region. The 1079-bp 5' upstream region of the gene shows little similarity to 5' regions of other sequenced genes expressed in the developing cereal endosperm. The coding sequence is interrupted by one 334-bp-long intron (bases 1497 -1830). The deduced amino acid sequence, which was corroborated by peptide sequences, consists of 399 amino acids and has a molecular mass of 43 128 Da. This sequence confirms protein Z4 to be a member of the serpin superfamily of proteins. The similarity with other members of the family expressed as amino acids in identical positions is in the order of 25-30% and pronounced in the carboxy-terminal half of the molecule. Sequence residues assumed to form clusters stabilizing the tertiary structure are highly conserved. Protein Z4 is synthesized in the developing endosperm without a signal peptide and protein Z4 mRNA was evenly distributed among the free and membrane-bound polyribosomes of the endosperm cell. An internal hydrophobic region of 21 amino acids (residues 36 -56) may serve as a signal for targeting the polypeptide into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. The gene for protein Z4 could not be detected in the barley variety Maskin and some of its descendants.The 'high-lysine' allees, lysl (Hiproly barley) and lys3a (Bomi mutant 1508) on chromosome 7, enhance and repress, respectively, the expression of the protein Z4 gene. Also, 1554 bp of another 8-kbp fragment of the barley genome Paz Y , similar to the protein-Z4-coding region, have been determined. Small insertions and deletions and the presence of an internal stop codon identify this fragment as part of a pseudogene related to the protein Z4 gene.Barley protein Z4 is an x 43-kDa polypeptide of the endosperm, accounting for about 5% of the albumin fraction [l]. The polypeptide is synthesized in the developing endosperm 10 -25 days after fertilization, together with the major storage proteins, the hordeins [2, 31. Like the hordeins, protein Z4 synthesis is enhanced when increasing amounts of nitrogen fertilizer are supplied to the barley plant during development of the caryopsis [4, 51. Protein Z4 is accumulated and stored in the endosperm, but the site of synthesis and deposition within the cell is not known. The polypeptide is resistant to proteases synthesized and secreted by the aleurone and scutellum tissue during early stages of germination [6]; originally, protein Z4 was isolated as an M 40-kDa polypeptide from beer [7].Barley protein Z4 is coded for by a locus on chromosome 4, designated Pazl [8]. A less abundant, immunologically related polypeptide, protein Z7, is coded for by a locus on chromosome 7 [9]. Two 'high-lysine' alleles, lysl and lys3a on chromosome 7, increase and decrease the synthesis of protein Correspondence to I. Svendsen, Department of Chemistry, Carlsberg Laboratory, Gamle Carlsbergvej 10,...