Neuromuscular acetylcholine receptors are synaptic ion channels that open and close with rate constants of Ϸ48,000 s ؊1 and Ϸ1,700 s ؊1 , respectively (in adult mouse, at 24°C, ؊100 mV membrane potential). Perturbations of many different sites in the protein can change these rate constants, with those in the extracellular domain mainly affecting channel-opening and many of those in the membrane and intracellular domains mainly affecting channel-closing. We used single-channel recordings to measure the total open time per activation ( b) elicited by a low concentration of the natural transmitter, acetylcholine. b increased in constructs with mutations that increased the gating equilibrium constant by either increasing the opening or decreasing the closing rate constant. However, b did not approach the same asymptote in fast-opening and slow-closing constructs. The maximum value for the slow closers was about twice that for the fast openers. One interpretation of this difference is that there is an upper limit to the channel-opening rate constant, which we estimate to be Ϸ0.86 s ؊1 . One possibility is that this limit is the rate of conformational change in the absence of an overall activation barrier and thus reflects the kinetic prefactor for the acetylcholine receptor opening gating ͉ nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ͉ energy landscape ͉ transition state A t cholinergic synapses, transmitter molecules trigger acetylcholine (ACh) receptor channels (AChRs) to switch from a stable conformation in which ion permeation is forbidden (''closed'') to one in which cations can permeate rapidly (''open''). This reversible change in structure, known as gating, involves the organized movements of many of the Ͼ2,300 residues within the five subunits that comprise this allosteric membrane protein (1-3). The driving energy for the reaction is a change in binding energy for the ligand; thus, gating must, at least, entail movements of residues at the two transmitter binding sites and in the ion conduction pathway.When activated by the natural transmitter ACh, mouse neuromuscular AChRs open rapidly (Ϸ48,000 s Ϫ1 ) and close relatively slowly (Ϸ1,700 s Ϫ1 ) (at 24°C, Ϫ100-mV membrane potential) (4). In single-molecule patch-clamp recordings with a time resolution of Ϸ25 s, the closed^open isomerization appears to be a two-state reaction with no directly detectable intermediate states. However, these states can be probed indirectly by using rate-equilibrium free energy (REFER) analyses (5-7). For a series of point mutations, the slope (⌽) of a log-log plot of the opening rate constant vs. the equilibrium constant is an index of the extent of progress of the perturbed site at the transition state of the reaction. In fully liganded AChRs, there is, to a first approximation, a longitudinal gradient in ⌽-values, with residues near the transmitter binding sites being open-like (⌽ Ϸ 1) and some of those in the transmembrane region being closed-like (⌽ Ϸ 0) at the transition state (8, 9). These results have been inte...