We experimentally demonstrate that spin dynamics and the phase diagram of spinor condensates can be conveniently tuned by a two-dimensional optical lattice. Spin population oscillations and a lattice-tuned separatrix in phase space are observed in every lattice where a substantial superfluid fraction exists. In a sufficiently deep lattice, we observe a phase transition from a longitudinal polar phase to a broken-axisymmetry phase in steady states of lattice-confined spinor condensates. The steady states are found to depend sigmoidally on the lattice depth and exponentially on the magnetic field. We also introduce a phenomenological model that semi-quantitatively describes our data without adjustable parameters.PACS numbers: 67.85. Fg, 03.75.Kk, 03.75.Mn, 05.30.Rt A spinor Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) confined in optical lattices has attracted much attention for its abilities to systematically study, verify, and optimize condensed matter models [1][2][3]. For instance, it can quantum simulate the Laughlin-type wavefunctions appearing in the fractional quantum Hall systems [4,5]. A better understanding of these models may directly lead to engineering revolutionary materials. An optical lattice has been a versatile technique to enhance interatomic interactions and control the mobility of atoms [6][7][8]. Atoms held in a shallow lattice can tunnel freely among lattice sites and form a superfluid (SF) phase. The tunneling rate is exponentially suppressed while the on-site atomatom interaction is increased in a deeper lattice. This may result in a transition from a SF phase to a Mottinsulator (MI) phase at a critical lattice depth, which has been confirmed in various scalar BEC systems [6][7][8][9]. In contrast to a scalar BEC, a spinor BEC has unique advantages due to an additional spin degree of freedom. The SF-MI phase transition is predicted to be remarkably different in spinor BECs, i.e., the transition may be first (or second) order around the tip of each Mott lobe for an even (or odd) occupation number in lattice-trapped antiferromagnetic spinor BECs [1,10].Spin-mixing dynamics and phase diagrams of spinor BECs in free space, as a result of spin-dependent interactions and quadratic Zeeman energy q B , have been well studied with sodium atoms [11][12][13][14][15][16][17] and rubidium atoms [18][19][20][21]. Richer spin dynamics are predicted to exist in lattice-trapped spinor BECs, which allow for a number of immediate applications. These include constructing a novel quantum-phase-revival spectroscopy driven by a competition between spin-dependent and spin-independent interactions, understanding quantum magnetism, directly detecting spin-dependent three-body and higher-body interactions, and realizing massive entanglement [1,3,22]. However, dynamics of latticetrapped spinor BECs have remained to be less explored, and most of such experimental studies have been carried out in ferromagnetic 87 Rb spinor BECs [23][24][25][26].In this paper, we experimentally demonstrate that a two-dimensional (2D) optical latt...