following methods of data integration in tourism statistics: Natural Language Processing (NLP), machine learning algorithm, i.e. K-Nearest Neighbours (K-NN) using TF-IDF and N-gram techniques, and Fuzzy Matching, all belonging to probabilistic methods. The study shows that data obtained by means of web scraping deserve special attention. Fuzzy Matching based on the Levenshtein algorithm combined with Vincenty's formula turns out to be the most effective among all the tested methods.The paper entitled Current challenges and possible big data solutions for the use of web data as a source for official statistics by Prof. Piet Daas and Jacek Maślankowski, PhD, underlines the importance of web scraping and points to the growing interest of the scientific and administrative circles in this technique of data extraction. The authors focus on the contemporary problems connected to the availability, extraction and application of information from websites, and propose potential solutions. Their research is based on the case study performed in 2022 on the sample consisting of 503,700 websites. The study demonstrates that one source of URLs (a database) might not be sufficient to obtain reliable web data. In the authors' case study, almost 20% of URLs turned out to be unavailable, because the websites did not exist anymore or their owners blocked the access to robots.txt file, which made web scraping impossible. Therefore, using several sources is preferable.Digital transformation and data ecosystem: implications for policy actions and competency frameworks by Monika Rozkrut, PhD, presents the European Union's policy on digital transformation and its development potential. The author performs a critical analysis of the progress in the area of operationalisation and implementation of the relevant policies, and identifies especially difficult tasks which can negatively impact the achievement of strategic goals. The study draws attention to the serious problem of a shortage of experts able to perform new functions in a dynamically-developing ecosystem of data, defines desirable skills allowing the effective management of data, and emphasises the role of data steward, key to supporting the fast development of a data ecosystem in the EU.The article entitled Improving research on environmental noise pollution and its impact on the population in the context of sustainable development by Jerzy Auksztol, PhD, DSc, Professor at the University of Gdańsk, deals with the question of improving statistics that enable research into the population's exposure to noise in the context of sustainable development. The author stresses that the research into the intensity of noise in the environment has a long tradition, and the negative influence of this factor on health and its environmental and economic aspects are constantly explored. The article discusses tools enabling further research into this topic offered by official statistics.The issue concludes with Joanna Sadowy's presentation of Statistics Poland's new publications. We wish you pleasa...