We extend the definitions of different types of quantum Rényi relative entropy from the finite dimensional setting of density matrices to density spaces of C * -algebras. We show that those quantities (which trivially coincide in the classical commutative case) are essentially different on non-commutative algebras in the sense that none of them can be transformed to another one by any surjective transformation between density spaces. Besides, we determine the symmetry groups of density spaces corresponding to each of those quantum Rényi relative entropies and find that they are identical. Similar results concerning the Umegaki and the Belavkin-Staszewksi relative entropies are also presented.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 46L40, 47B49, 81P45. We next collect some useful properties of Jordan *-isomorphisms that we will use in what follows. First, any Jordan *-isomorphism J :holds for every nonnegative integer n, see 6.3.2 Lemma in [16]. In particular, J is unital meaning that J sends the identity to the identity. Since J is clearly positive (in fact, it preserves the order between self-adjoint elements in both directions), it is bounded. Indeed, more is true: J is an isometry with respect to the C * -norm. By Proposition 1.3 in [22], J preserves invertibility, namely we have J (X −1 ) = J (X ) −1 for every invertible element X ∈ A . It follows that J preserves the spectrum and, using continuous function calculus, from (18) we deduce that J ( f (X )) = f (J (X )) holds for any self-adjoint element X ∈ A s and continuous real function f on the spectrum of X .