III 157 Studies of marine and coastal processes ______ 159 Estuarine and coastal hydrology __________ 159 Atlantic and Gulf Coast ____________ 159 Pacific Coast ___________________ 159 Management of natural resources on Federal and Indian lands ______________________ 164 Classification and evaluation of mineral lands _ 164 Classified land __________________ 164 Known geologic structures of producing oil and gas fields ______________ 165 Known geothermal resource areas ______ 165 Known recoverable coal resource areas ___ 165 Coal resource occurrence/development poten tial maps __________________ 165 Known leasing areas for potassium, phos phate, and sodium ___________ 165 Waterpower classification-preservation of reser voir sites _-___________________ 165 Supervision of mineral leasing ___________ 165 OCS lease sales for oil and gas _______ 166 Cooperation with other Federal agencies __ 166 Geology and hydrology applied to hazard assessment and environment-