Several novel criteria have been tested to assist in the differential diagnosis of tumours induced by Marek's disease virus (MDV) from those induced by avian leukosis virus (ALV) and reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV). A collection of tumours induced by inoculation of specific strains of MDV, ALV and REV, alone or in combination, were tested for quantification of MDV DNA by real-time polymerase chain reaction, expression of the MDV oncogene Meq, expression of several cell markers associated with transformation (CD30, Marek's disease-associated surface antigen, and p53), and level of DNA methylation in the tumour cells. In addition, tissues latently infected with MDV and non-infected tissues were tested as controls. Tumours induced by MDV had about 10 2 -fold more copies of MDV DNA than either tissues latently infected by MDV or tumours induced by retrovirus in MDV-vaccinated chickens. Moreover, the MDV antigen Meq was consistently expressed in all MDV tumours but it could not be detected in tissues latently infected with MDV or in tumours induced by retrovirus in MDV-vaccinated chickens. Other markers studied were not specific for MDV and therefore had limited value for diagnosis. Nonetheless, some of these markers might have potential value in research as they will help to identify transformed cells.