Thermal control constitutes a key area in the design of space vehicles. The main objective of this discipline is achieving that the temperatures of all the vehicle subsystems are within their allocated temperature ranges in order to successfully accomplish their respective missions. One of the main tools that the thermal control subsystem has to accomplish its objective are the mathematical models used to calculate the thermal predictions. These predictions have, however, an associated uncertainty that comes as the result of the inherent uncertainty of the thermal parameters. This uncertainty is part of the thermal predictions and must be included in them in order to assess their reliability. There are two main approaches towards introducing this uncertainty in the thermal results: it can be done either applying some xed design (uncertainty) margins coming from statistical analyses of previous missions, or either calculating these uncertainty margins specically for each mission. This doctoral dissertation is focused on the second option, uncertainty calculation.Uncertainty calculation in spacecraft thermal control and design is generally performed using one of these two methods: Statistical Error Analysis (SEA) or Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS). These two methods present dierences both in accuracy and in time of execution. In this thesis both features are compared, and the sources of possible divergence between their results are identied. Having these sources of divergence in mind, a new methodology has been developed. In this new method, called One-dimensional Generalized SEA (OGS), the temperature uncertainty is obtained through the PDF of temperature variation ∆T , which is obtained through the convolution of the PDF of the individual contributions of the dierent thermal parameters to ∆T . In order to obtain the PDF of the individual contributions, the original PDF of the dierent parameters are transformed using surrogate models, which are generally non-linear. These surrogate models are the result of the sensitivity analysis that gives the inuence on temperature of the dierent parameters.