The effect of box preparation on the strength of glass fiber-reinforced composite inlayretained fixed partial dentures Özcan, Mutlu; Breuklander, Marijn H.; Vallittu, Pekka K.
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Download date: 11-04-2019The effect of box preparation on the strength of glass fiber-reinforced composite inlay-retained fixed partial dentures Purpose. The objective of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of box dimensions on the initial and final failure strength of inlay-retained fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) FPDs.Material and methods. Twenty-one inlay-retained FPDs were prepared using FRC (everStick) frameworks with unidirectional fiber reinforcement between mandibular first premolars and first molars. Boxes were prepared using conventional inlay burs (Cerinlay), and small and large ultrasonic tips (SONICSYS approx). Box dimensions were measured after preparation with a digital micrometer. All restorations were subjected to thermal cycling (6000 cycles, 5°C-55°C). Fracture testing was performed in a universal testing machine (1 mm/ min). Acoustic emission signals were monitored during loading of the specimens. Initial and final fracture strength values (2-way ANOVA, Bonferroni post hoc tests, a=.05) and failure types (Fisher exact test) were statistically compared for each group.