Motivated by the similarity between cubic string field theory (CSFT) and the Chern-Simons theory in three dimensions, we study the possibility of interpreting N = (π 2 /3) (UQ B U −1 ) 3 as a kind of winding number in CSFT taking quantized values. In particular, we focus on the expression of N as the integration of a BRST-exact quantity, N = Q B A, which vanishes identically in naive treatments. For realizing non-trivial N , we need a regularization for divergences from the zero eigenvalue of the operator K in the KB c algebra. This regularization must at same time violate the BRST-exactness of the integrand of N . By adopting the regularization of shifting K by a positive infinitesimal, we obtain the desired value N [(U tv ) ±1 ] = ∓1 for U tv corresponding to the tachyon vacuum. However, we find that N [(U tv ) ±2 ] differs from ∓2, the value expected from the additive law of N . This result may be understood from the fact that Ψ = UQ B U −1 with U = (U tv ) ±2 does not satisfy the CSFT EOM in the strong sense and hence is not truly a pure-gauge in our regularization.