Marijuana is currently a growing risk to the public in the United States. Following expanding public opinion that marijuana provides little risk to health, state and federal legislatures have begun changing laws that will significantly increase accessibility of marijuana. Greater marijuana accessibility, resulting in more use, will lead to increased health risks in all demographic categories across the country. Violence is a well-publicized, prominent risk from the more potent, current marijuana available.We present cases that are highly popularized storylines in which marijuana led to unnecessary violence, health risks, and, in many cases, both. Through the analysis of these cases, we will identify the adverse effects of marijuana use and the role it played in the tragic outcomes in these and other instances. In the analysis of these cases, we found marijuana as the single most common, correlative variable in otherwise diverse populations and circumstances surrounding the association of violence and marijuana.Keywords: Marijuana; Bullying behaviour; Aggression; Intoxication; Cannabis use
Cases ReportsMichael Brown robbed a convenience store for a large box of cigarillos to smoke marijuana and assaulted the store clerk. Subsequently, the 18 year old Brown attacked police officer Darren Wilson without provocation, punching him in the face through the window of his police car, and attempting to grab his gun. Wilson shot and killed Brown as he tried to escape in a very agitated, paranoid, confused and aggressive state. Along with the cigarellos, marijuana was found in Brown's system at the time of death [1].