“…Its arrival in South America is dated as 14.2 to 11.6 Ma, and it was observed in almost all of the sedimentary basins in northern South America (Regali 1971, Wijmstra 1971, Lorente 1986, Muller et al 1987, Jaramillo et al 2011, Parra et al 2020. Instead, G. magnaclavata shows two dispersal phases: a phase between 16.1 to 14.2 Ma, prior to the arrival of C. vanraadshooveni, which was observed in the Subandean basins ( Jaramillo et al 2011) and the western Amazon (d'Apolito 2016, Espinosa et al 2021), and a phase from 11.9 to 9.7 Ma, after the appearance of C. vanraadshooveni, observed in the Venezuelan coastal basins (Germeraad et al 1968, Lorente 1986, Muller et al 1987, the Amazon submarine fan (Regali 1971), and western Amazon (Hoorn 1993;Leite et al 2017Leite et al , 2021Linhares et al 2017Linhares et al , 2019Leandro et al 2019Leandro et al , 2022.…”