N-substituted formamide was produced through the hydration of an isonitrile by isonitrile hydratase in the isonitrile metabolism. The former compound was further degraded by a microorganism, strain F164, which was isolated from soil through an acclimatization culture. The N-substituted formamide-degrading microorganism was identified as Arthrobacter pascens. The microbial degradation was found to proceed through an enzymatic reaction, the N-substituted formamide being hydrolyzed to yield the corresponding amine and formate. The enzyme, designated as Nsubstituted formamide deformylase (NfdA), was purified and characterized. The native enzyme had a molecular mass of Ϸ61 kDa and consisted of two identical subunits. It stoichiometrically catalyzed the hydrolysis of N-benzylformamide (an N-substituted formamide) to benzylamine and formate. Of all of the N-substituted formamides tested, N-benzylformamide was the most suitable substrate for the enzyme. However, no amides were accepted as substrates. The gene (nfdA) encoding this enzyme was also cloned. The deduced amino acid sequence of nfdA exhibited the highest overall sequence identity (28%) with those of regulatory proteins among known proteins. Only the N-terminal region (residues 58 -72) of NfdA also showed significant sequence identity (27-73%) to that of each member of the amidohydrolase superfamily, although there was no similarity in the overall sequence except in the above limited region. N itriles are very toxic and generally unbiodegradable organic compounds containing a CϵN moiety. We have studied nitrile metabolism (1-3) and clarified the structures and functions of enzymes [i.e., nitrilase (4-7), nitrile hydratase (8-11), and amidase (12-14)] involved in metabolism and their genes and regulation mechanisms.On the other hand, information is quite limited on the metabolism of an isonitrile (more generally called an isocyanide) containing an isocyano group (ϪNϵC), which is an isomer of a nitrile. Isonitriles as well as nitriles are generally highly toxic and produced in nature by various organisms, including bacteria, fungi, marine sponges, etc. (15-17). An isocyanide metabolite, xanthocillin, was first isolated from Penicillium notatum (18). This isonitrile exhibits a wide antibiotic activity spectrum (19). Although parts of the metabolic intermediates of some isonitriles have been elucidated through incorporation experiments (20-24), their synthetic and degradative pathways remained entirely undetermined. Furthermore, to our knowledge none of the enzymes involved in isonitrile metabolism, except for the enzyme we describe below, has yet been identified.Recently, we isolated a microorganism, Pseudomonas putida strain N19-2, that is able to degrade isonitriles from soil and discovered an isonitrile-metabolizing enzyme, designated as isonitrile hydratase (EC, in this strain (25,26). This enzyme catalyzes the hydration of an isonitrile [R-NϵC] to the corresponding N-substituted formamide [R-NH-CH(ϭO)], and confers the ability of isonitrile-degrada...