The palaeolake from Ossówka, east ern Po land, is an un usual ex am ple of ba sin, in which sed i men ta tion lasted from the begin ning of the Holsteinian through sev eral cli ma tic os cil la tions un til the Early Saalian, i.e. over a pe riod of ~70,000 years. This pro vides us with the op por tu nity of cor re lat ing the dy nam i cally chang ing events on land with their po ten tial equiv a lents in the ma rine pro files. Alkenone-based tem per a ture re con struc tions us ing U 37 k ¢ are an un usual tool in this re spect. Nev er theless, as a re sult, we suc cess fully re late this pol len se quence to the chang ing SST (sea sur face tem per a ture) val ues in the colder phases of MIS 11. The bi par tite Ferdinandovian Inter gla cial was pre vi ously cor re lated with the up per part of the Cromerian com plex (MIS 13 and MIS 15). Hav ing at our dis posal lim its in the SST alkenone-based re cord, we clearly iden tify the strati graphic po si tion of the sec ond warm phase of MIS 15 and a small frag ment of MIS 14. In our opin ion, the Rhume Inter gla cial, iden ti fied in Ger many, should be lo cated within MIS 13. Us ing the avail able or bit ally tuned chro nol ogy, we also give a sub stan tial in put to es ti mate du ra tion of these ter res trial interglacials, in di cat ing the start ing and end ing points of their equiv a lents in the alkenone re cords.