A B S T R A C TThis article analyses the interplay between inter-State obligations to increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity and transfer marine technology in accordance with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14.a, with a view to contributing to enhanced implementation of the international law of the sea (SDG 14.c), and providing access for small-scale artisanal fishers to marine resources (SDG 14.b). It proposes to do so by relying not only on the international law of the sea, but also on international biodiversity law (particularly the Convention on Biological Diversity) and international human rights law (particularly the human right to science). The article seeks to provide a reflection on the opportunities arising from a mutually supportive interpretation of different international law instruments with regard to the means of implementation for SDG 14 in synergy with other SDGs (particularly SDG 17 on 'Partnerships for the Goals' and its targets related to technology transfer, capacity-building and partnerships). (M. Ntona). 1 The plurality of terms used to describe small-scale fisheries, including artisanal, inshore, traditional, municipal and subsistence, is a testament to the lack of consensus on how to talk about different categories of fishing. Some of these terms feature more prominently in specific geographical contexts. At the global level, it is perhaps more useful to refer to a list of the main dimensions that often characterise small-scale fisheries: D.S. Johnson [7], p. 749.