To assess the impact of a holistic career and life planning course on college students. the authors asked 209 students in treatment and control groups to complete measures of career development. Results indicate that the course significantly increases vocational identity and career decision-making selfefficacy and decreases career indecision.ollege students have a variety of developmental needs, inchding the need to address issues of personal and vocational identity (Chickering C & Reisser, 1993). In terms of career needs, Super (1990) theorized that traditional-aged college students are typically making the transition from tentative vocational preferences to more specific goals and plans. Nontraditional students, who now make up a substantial percentage of many college enrollments, have career needs that reflect their specific life transitions (Splete, 1996). The developmental transitions for traditional and nontraditional students are not always smooth and often pose challenges for students. For example, college students fiequently change their career plans and majors while in college (Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991), and many have concerns, such as anxiety stemming fi-om career indecision, a lack of confidence about the career exploration process, limited self-knowledge, and limited occupational information (Mauer & Gysbers, 1990). In other words, most students have a~ variety of developmentally based needs concerning their careers, including decision making and exploration.Colleges often attempt to meet students' career-related needs with some form of career and life planning course. These courses typically focus on selfassessment, career exploration, and decision making. Surprisingly little research, however, has assessed the effectiveness of career and life planning courses with college students, despite the high frequency of their use. Whereas a few studies have reported positive effects of career and life planning courses on college students (