This case study explores the boatbuilding practices among boatbuilders (Tukang Timbal) in Terengganu, Malaysia, and their significance in preserving maritime heritage and craftsmanshipin ASEAN. By examining the techniques, materials, and cultural influences involved incontemporary boat construction, the research aims to document and analyse the unique practices of these skilled artisans. Employing a qualitative researchapproach, the study combines interviews, observation, and analysis of boatbuilding processes to uncover the knowledge andskills passed down through generations of boatbuilders in Terengganu. It investigates the factors
that shape their practices, including local ecological conditions, cultural traditions, and modernadvancements in technology. The research emphasises the role of boatbuilders as culturalcustodians, highlighting the importance of their craftsmanship in preserving Southeast Asianmaritime heritage. By documenting their practices and understanding their cultural significance,the study contributes to the recognition and appreciation of this unique cultural tradition. The findings of this study provide valuable insights into contemporary boatbuilding practices inTerengganu, Malaysia. Examining the techniques and materials employed by boatbuilders,the research deepens our understanding of both the cultural and technological aspects of boat construction in ASEAN today. Ultimately, this case study sheds light on the boatbuilding practices among boatbuilders in Terengganu, Malaysia, contributing to the broader discourse
on maritime heritage and craftsmanship in ASEAN. By documenting their unique techniques andmaterials, the study underscores the importance of preserving and promoting these traditionalskills in order to sustain cultural heritage in a rapidly changing world.