Considerable progress has been made on the genetic engineering of rice for improved nutritional content involving micronutrients and carotenoid content. Golden Rice, developed by genetic engineering (Agrobacterium and biolistic transformation) was used in rice breeding for the transfer of high-nutritional value to the local rice cultivars. Simultaneously, commercial Asian indica rice cultivars were also developed with expression of high-carotenoid levels. The lines were developed based on POSITECH (PMI) selection system or made marker free by segregating out the marker gene from the gene of interest. Anther culture was used to develop the homozygous stable lines, which could be of much use in further introgress-breeding and in farmer's field. Enhanced carotenoids levels (up to T3 generation) were observed in a number of lines compared to the T0-T1 seeds which could be due to transgeneration effect of growing under greenhouse versus field conditions. However, a few introgressed lines showed less carotenoid levels than the original lines used in the breeding process. Agronomic performance of introgressed lines, non-transgenic controls, and transgenic golden rice (IR64 and BR29) developed at IRRI