This qualitative short report considers the viability of the use of rubrics or alternative methods to assess writing in Asia and the Middle East. The background of learning theories, assessment types, and self-assessment literature provides a foundation for further discussion of the appropriate use of rubrics, including the prioritization of criterion, the quality of scoring, the impact of organizational features on scoring, the influence of bias, and the best application of rubric assessment. Relevant points for further study are identified, such as differentiation in research between generalized analytical rating systems and rubric assessment with specific, empirical criterion. The contradictory research regarding the advantages and disadvantages of rubric assessment in comparison with holistic assessment are of particular and crucial interest for global pedagogy. Many of the reviewed Western articles excluded Asian perspectives-except for Chinaand thus present a limited understanding of social and educational compatibility with new assessments and rubric assessments in particular. The discussion identifies patterns and points of contention and seeks to explore viewpoints rather than limit the scope of inquiry and consideration thus noting that relevant literature suggests that with appropriate teacher training, teachers may appropriately use rubrics as a formative assessment tool for writing in Asia and the Middle East.Since Asia and the Middle East require fluency in two or more languages, better assessment impacts students for many years. Rubrics with specific guidelines and clear expectations facilitate an understanding of the requirements of the school and the teacher and open lines of communication regarding scores between teachers, parents, and students. Although debates continue about the quality of holistic and analytical scoring, the validity of well-designed rubrics often stands above the results for these two continuums of assessment. Despite the resistance expected from many teachers, rubrics may speed teacher efficiency and facilitate opportunities for students to take ownership of their learning outside of the classroom while the teacher remains in control.