The current study sought to establish how strategic capabilities affects performance of selected media firms in Kenya. The study specifically sought to establish the effects of information technology, operational adjustment, knowledge management and market linking capabilities on performance. The target population was five selected media firms in Kenya. The unit of observation comprised of 490 employees occupying managerial positions in the selected media firms. Yamane sampling formula was employed in selecting a sample of 220 respondents. Primary data was collected through a questionnaire. Both inferential and descriptive statistics were employed and generated through SPSS software and MS Excel. The results revealed that strategic capabilities bear a positive and significant correlation with performance of selected media firms. Additionally, strategic capabilities bear a positive and significant effect on performance of selected media firms. This has implications that when one of the variables is increased with one unit, performance of the selected media firms increases with the respective beta values. The study recommended that the management of media firms enhance and promote their strategic capabilities since the practices bear a positive and significant effect on performance levels of the firms.