Currently, the entire humanity faces the problem of depletion of oil resources and emissions into the atmosphere. The presented study demonstrates one of the ways to reduce the impact on the environment by creating and developing municipal dual-purpose electric transport: both for the transportation of passengers and the delivery of consumer goods. Since currently available vehicles delivering consumer goods are used extremely inefficiently, and municipal passenger transportation in many communities of Ukraine is not carried out or is carried out on extremely limited routes, the search for solutions to these problems should be accompanied by solving environmental problems that arise or may arise in the process of solving. The study revealed that with three-time delivery of consumer goods, according to the most conservative estimates, 1,719,900 kg of exhaust gases are emitted into the atmosphere, and gasoline is consumed for the delivery, for the production of which 23,641 barrels of oil are extracted. Moreover, the carried-out deliveries of consumer goods do not guarantee a high quality of life for the population. The proposed innovative solutions to the problem contain not only technological, technical, and economic positive effects but also have several positive social components. The desire of society to increase the level of civilizational benefits for all its members is positive and inevitable, but at the same time, the damage to the environment should be minimized.