The availability of protein is an important factor for the determination of the size of the mitotic spindle. Involved in spindle-size regulation is kinesin-8, a molecular motor and microtubule (MT) depolymerase, which is known to tightly control MT length. Here, we propose and analyze a theoretical model in which kinesin-induced MT depolymerization competes with spontaneous polymerization while supplies of both tubulin and kinesin are limited. In contrast to previous studies where resources were unconstrained, we find that, for a wide range of concentrations, MT length regulation is bistable. We test our predictions by conducting in vitro experiments and find that the bistable behavior manifests in a bimodal MT length distribution. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.148101 The absolute and relative abundance of particular sets of proteins is important for a wide range of processes in cells. For example, during Xenopus laevis embryogenesis, importin α becomes progressively localized to the cell membrane [1]. As a consequence of importin's depletion from the cytoplasm, the protein kif2a escapes inactivation and decreases the size of the mitotic spindle. Similarly, formation of the mitotic spindle reduces the concentration of free tubulin dimers, the building blocks of microtubules (MTs). Thus, up to 60% of all tubulin heterodimers [2,3] may be incorporated into the spindle [4]. In addition, it has been shown in vivo and in vitro that both spindle size [4,5] and the lengths of its constituent MTs [6] scale with cytoplasmic volume.Assembly and disassembly of MTs are regulated by a set of proteins that interact with the plus ends of protofilaments [7,8]. One of these factors, the molecular motor kinesin-8, acts as a depolymerase [8,9]. As a consequence, spindle size increases in its absence [10] and decreases upon overexpression of the protein [11]. Moreover, the kinesin-8 homolog Kip3 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been shown to depolymerize MTs in a length-dependent fashion [9,12]. This is facilitated by a density gradient on the MT, caused by the interplay between the processive motion of Kip3 along the MT and its depolymerase activity at the plus end, which effectively enables the MT to "sense" its own length [12,13]. In combination with spontaneous MT polymerization, the Kip3 gradient leads to a length regulation mechanism [14,15].Here, we explore the combined effect of limited resources and Kip3-induced depolymerization on the length regulation of MTs. As seen in theoretical studies on the collective motion of molecular motors, resource limitation affects the density profile on the MT: regions of low and high motor density separate, as a localized domain wall emerges on the MT [16][17][18][19]. This is a direct result of resource limitation and does not rely on the existence of a motor density gradient, as necessary for domain wall localization in the presence of unlimited resources [20][21][22][23]. So far, most work on the role of limited resources has focused on single components of the relevant system [17][...