Folk tales are an effective fictional stories to convey moral messages and a means of character education, especially for children. The content of the story is a folklore and a true story by using objects as symbols, animals or plants that are conveyed orally so as to form a story of a life journey and contains moral messages on how to interact with other beings. The article "Fairytale as a Means of Character Education for Children" is part of an active independent research entitled "The Value of Character in Javanese Language Tales with the basis of Child Character Education (Ethnolinguistics)". This study aimed to describe the character learning through tales. This research was conducted through qualitative descriptive research. Data sources are in the form or oral data that came from informants. The data used in this study are tales in Javanese. The collection of data used interview technique with informants. e the problem using the matching method. Based on the results of data analysis, folk tales illustrate such characteristics as follows: sincere, honest, accepting, harmonious, and patient.