In this article we introduce a finite difference approximation for integro-differential operators of Lévy type. We approximate solutions of integro-differential equations, where the second order operator is allowed to degenerate. In the existing literature, the Lévy operator is treated as a zero/first order operator outside of a centered ball of radius δ, leading to error estimates of order ξwhere h and τ are the spatial and temporal discretization parameters respectively. In these estimates ξ(δ) ↓ 0, but N (δ) ↑ ∞ as δ ↓ 0. In contrast, we treat the integro-differential operator as a second order operator on the whole unit ball. By this method we obtain error estimates of order (h + τ k ) for k ∈ {1/2, 1}, eliminating the additional errors and the blowing up constants. Moreover, we do not pose any conditions on the Lévy measure.