Failure times of a machinery cannot always be assumed independent and identically distributed, e.g. if after reparations the machinery is not restored to a same-as-new condition. Framed within the renewal processes approach, a generalization that considers exchangeable inter-arrival times is presented. The resulting model provides a more realistic approach to capture the dependence among events occurring at random times, while retaining much of the tractability of the classical renewal process. Extensions of some classical results and special cases of renewal functions are analyzed, in particular the one corresponding to an exchangeable sequence driven by a Dirichlet process. The proposal is tested through an estimation procedure using simulated data sets and with an application to the reliability of hydraulic subsystems in load-haul-dump machines.Similarly, the equality in distribution assumption is rarely satisfied, though relaxing it typically requires multiple realizations of the failure process.Indeed, dependent renewal-type models are increasingly demanded due to their versatility and wide applicability. Applications include: occurrence of rare events [4], streams of customers [5], lifetimes modeling [6,7], disease activity [8] and web applications [9], among others. Theoretical contributions in some specific dependent renewal-type models, including Markov renewal processes, can be found in [10,11,12,13]. For a classical account of the theory of Markov renewal processes, we refer the reader to [14].While some of these models provide with excellent extensions, most apply only for specific failure distributions. Clearly, allowing for certain dependence, while retaining flexibility in the choice of failure distribution, imposes a serious mathematical-applicability tradeoff. A good mathematical compromise and natural step to relax the i.i.d. assumption, keeping the failure distribution flexibility, is to make use of well known distributional symmetries for the joint distribution of the failure times. Among these, the most tractable is exchangeability [15,16], which in this context is equivalent to say that all failures are dependent in a similar magnitude but conditional independent given the overall uncertainty of failures has been resolved or quantified. Examples of these types of renewal epochs, with a common factor that generates the dependence, could be seen in [17].