Esta es la versión de autor de la comunicación de congreso publicada en: This is an author produced version of a paper published in:The Abstract. We present a two-layer OWL ontology-based Knowledge Base (KB) that allows for flexible content selection and discourse structuring in Natural Language text Generation (NLG) and discuss its use for these two tasks. The first layer of the ontology contains an applicationindependent base ontology. It models the domain and was not designed with NLG in mind. The second layer, which is added on top of the base ontology, models entities and events that can be inferred from the base ontology, including inferable logico-semantic relations between individuals. The nodes in the KB are weighted according to learnt models of content selection, such that a subset of them can be extracted. The extraction is done using templates that also consider semantic relations between the nodes and a simple user profile. The discourse structuring submodule maps the semantic relations to discourse relations and forms discourse units to then arrange them into a coherent discourse graph. The approach is illustrated and evaluated on a KB that models the First Spanish Football League.