Tourism has become a very promising industry in increasing economic development. Each region is competing to market their area as a tourist destination in order to get foreign exchange. All resources, such as natural resources, human resources, special interest resources, especially cultural resources, are all maximized for the advancement of tourism.
In an effort to increase regional income, the Samosir Regency Government of North Sumatra Province took a breakthrough to attract tourists to visit Samosir Island. One of the efforts made is by demonstrating cultural tourism, which is the ritual performance of mangalahat horbo bius ritual. This show is held every year in the Horas Samosir Fiesta event. The mangalahat horbo bius ritual performance began in 2008 at Batu Hobon, Limbong Sagala Village, Sianjur Mulamula Samosir Sub District. Since it was made a ritual, the mangalahat horbo bius became a show on Samosir Island, there were pros and cons in the community where the Catholic Church supported the show as the way to spread religion. Meanwhile the Samosir Regency government as the initiator of the show, has the aim to attract the interest of the visit. The party who openly rejected the show was the Batak Christian Protestant Church (HKBP).
Since the beginning, the mangalahat horbo bius ritual performance has experienced controversy in the community. The aim is to attract visits to the Samosir Island area to be counter productive. Therefore, at every mangalahat horbo bius ritual performance, the number of tourist visits to Samosir Island always decreases. In this case the local community is less supportive of the show while tourists visiting Samosir Island avoid the mangalahat horbo bius ritual show for reasons of showing sadism.