At the heart of this article will be the study of a branching Brownian motion (BBM) with killing, where individual particles move as Brownian motions with drift −ρ, perform dyadic branching at rate β and are killed on hitting the origin.Firstly, by considering properties of the right-most particle and the extinction probability, we will provide a probabilistic proof of the classical result that the 'one-sided' FKPP travelling-wave equation of speed −ρ with solutions f : [0, ∞) → [0, 1] satisfying f (0) = 1 and f (∞) = 0 has a unique solution with a particular asymptotic when ρ < √ 2β, and no solutions otherwise. Our analysis is in the spirit of the standard BBM studies of Harris [18] and Kyprianou [27] and includes an intuitive application of a change of measure inducing a spine decomposition that, as a by product, gives the new result that the asymptotic speed of the right-most particle in the killed BBM is √ 2β − ρ on the survival set. Secondly, we introduce and discuss the convergence of an additive martingale for the killed BBM, W λ , that appears of fundamental importance as well as facilitating some new results on the almost-sure exponential growth rate of the number of particles of speed λ ∈ (0, √ 2β − ρ). Finally, we prove a new result for the asymptotic behaviour of the probability of finding the right-most particle with speed λ > √ 2β − ρ. This result combined with Chauvin and Rouault's [9] arguments for standard BBM readily yields an analogous Yaglom-type conditional limit theorem for the killed BBM and reveals W λ as the limiting Radon-Nikodým derivative when conditioning the right-most particle to travel at speed λ into the distant future.