The objective of this paper is to establish the decomposition theorem for supermartingales under the G-framework. We first introduce a g-nonlinear expectation via a kind of G-BSDE and the associated supermartingales. We have shown that this kind of supermartingales have the decomposition similar to the classical case. The main ideas are to apply the uniformly continuous property of S β G (0, T ), the representation of the solution to G-BSDE and the approximation method via penalization.where ξ is a given random variable in L 2 (Ω, F T , P ) and A · is a given continuous and increasing process with A 0 = 0 and A t ∈ L 2 (Ω, F t , P ) for each t ∈ (0, T ]. We call y · a g-supersolution. If A · ≡ 0 then y · is called a g-solution. For the later case, since for each given t ≤ T , the F t measurable random variable y t is uniquely determined by the terminal condition y T = ξ ∈ L 2 (Ω, F T , P ), we then can define a backward semigroup [19,21] This semiproup gives us a generalized notion of nonlinear expectation with corresponding F t -conditional expectation, called g-expectation [19]. By applying the comparison theorem of BSDE we know that any g-supersolution Y · is also a g-supermartingale (i.e., we haveBut the proof of the inverse claim, namely, a g-supermartingale is a g-supersolution, is not at all trivial (we refer to [20] for detailed proof). In fact this is a generalization of the classical Doob-Meyer decomposition to the case of nonlinear expectations, and the linear situation corresponds to the case g ≡ 0.Moreover, this nonlinear Doob-Meyer decomposition theorem plays a key role to obtain the following representation theorem of nonlinear expectations: for a given arbitrary F t -conditional nonlinear expectation (E s,t [ξ]) 0≤s≤t<∞ with certain regularity, there exists a unique function g = g(·, y, z) satisfying the usual condition of BSDE, such that,We refer to [4], [21], [23] for the proof of this very deep result, also to [7] a wide class of time consistent risk measures are identified to be g-expectations.It is known that volatility model uncertainty (VMU) involves essentially non-dominated family of probability measures P on (Ω, F ). This is a main reason why many risk measures, and pricing operators cannot be well-defined within a framework of probability space such as Wiener space (Ω, F T , P ).[22] introduced the framework of (fully nonlinear) time consistent G-expectation space (Ω, L 1 G (Ω),Ê) such that all probability measures in P are dominated by this sublinear expectation and such that the canonical process B · (ω) = ω(·) becomes a nonlinear Brownian motion, called G-Brownian. Many random variables, negligible under the probability measure P ∈ P, as well as under other measures in P, can be clearly distinguished in this new framework. The corresponding theory of stochastic integration and stochastic calculus of Itô's type have been established in [22,25]. In particular, the existence and uniqueness of BSDE driven by G-Brownian motion (G-BSDE) have been established in [10]. Roughly speaking (see ...