Book reviewed in this article:
Young, R.W. & Nanson, G.C. eds. Aspects of Australian Sandstone Landscapes. Australian and New Zealand Geomorphology Group Special Publication No. 1.
S. Nieuwolt Tropical Climatology–An Introduction to the Climates of the Low Latitudes
R.J. Mitchell Earth Structures Engineering
Vink, A.P.A. Landscape Ecology and Land Use, (edited by D.A. Davidson)
Badcock, B. Unfairly Structured Cities
Costin, A.M., Greenway, M.A. and Wright L.G. Harvesting Water From Land
Freeman, T.G. and Benyon, P.R. (eds) Pastoral and Social Problems in a Semi‐arid Environment: A Simulation Model
Faniran A. and Jeje, L.K. Humid Tropical Ceomorphology: A Study of the Geomorphological Processes and Landforms in Warm Humid Climates
Kissling, C.C., Taylor, M.J., Thrift, N.J. and Adrian, C. (eds) Regional Impacts of Resource Developments
Harvey, D. Limits to Capital