An evaluation of the quality of life of patients with end stage kidney disease undergoing haemodialysis in the Greek population was conducted to understand whether this quality could be improved. Comparisons were made with a similar study conducted in United States in regards to the effects of kidney disease in daily life, burden of kidney disease, work status, cognitive function, quality of social interaction, sexual function, social support, physical functioning, role physical on daily routine, pain, general health perceptions, role emotional, emotional well being, social function and energy/fatigue. Any differences are discussed and analysed. Sexual problems were found to be more prominent in this study, but the emotional status has greater influence in quality of life in the US study. The results were more positive in Greece with respect to dialysis staff encouragement, patient satisfaction, as well as acceptance and the understanding of illness. The results from our study reflect the differences of the health care systems in various countries as well as population-related beliefs and values.