Recently, new high-precision data reconfirmed the existence of narrow resonances in the p+14O cross section, first predicted by the multi-channel algebraic scattering (MCAS) theory of light-mass, low-energy scattering and later found by other experimental means. Prompted by this and a decade of extension to the method, we have updated the original MCAS study.
Additionally, we use MCAS to interpret the low-energy spectrum of 19 F, which has an interesting structure that appears to stem from clusterisation, and we compare the results of several types. As only early, small-basis shell model investigations of this spectrum exist, we also perform a complete (0 + 2)ħω calculation.
MCAS is well suited to these studies, having the advantage of accounting for the Pauli principle between the nucleons of the clusters, and so spurious states of the compound nucleus are removed.