The fission-product distribution was determined for the longlived isomer of 236 Np irradiated with neutrons in the core of the Livermore pool-type reactor. Yields were measured by comparison with the yield of the same fission product produced simultaneously in 235 U and, independently, by absolute gamma-ray counting of the fission products. The heavy mass peak of the asymétrie distribution is very similar to the heavy mass peak for 239 Pu thermal-neutron fission. The average number of neutrons emitted per fission was 2.3 ± 0.8. The fission cross section was 2.14 + 0.16 kb when measured by comparison with the observed 235 U fissions and a 235 U fission cross-section of 0.54 kb for reactor spectrum neutrons. Comparison of isobar yields in 236 Np with those in 235 U were made for seven mass chains, including the shielded nuclide 136 Cs.