We analyse a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) mixed with a superfluid two-component Fermi gas in the whole BCS-BEC cross-over. Using a quasiparticle random phase approximation combined with Beliaev theory to describe the Fermi superfluid and the BEC respectively, we show that the single particle and collective excitations of the Fermi gas give rise to an induced interaction between the bosons, which varies strongly with momentum and frequency. It diverges at the sound mode of the Fermi superfluid, resulting in a sharp avoided crossing feature and a corresponding sign change of the interaction energy shift in the excitation spectrum of the BEC. In addition, the excitation of quasiparticles in the Fermi superfluid leads to damping of the excitations in the BEC. Besides studying induced interactions themselves, these prominent effects can be used to systematically probe the strongly interacting Fermi gas.The interplay between induced interactions and superfluidity plays an important role in low temperature physics. In metals, the phonon mediated interaction between electrons leads to the formation of Cooper pairs [1], and induced electron-hole excitations significantly suppress the critical temperature of a BCS superconductor [2,3]. A prominent theory for high temperature superconductivity is that it is caused by spin fluctuations leading to an attractive interaction [4], and induced interactions are important for understanding the properties of liquid helium mixtures [5]. The systems where induced interactions are significant often consist of fermionic and bosonic degrees of freedom. In cold atom gases, BoseFermi mixtures have been realised experimentally for sympathetic cooling [6][7][8], molecule formation [9][10][11][12], and for studying few-body physics [13]. The theoretical studies have focused on mixtures where the Fermi gas is in the normal state [14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23]. Recently, an experimental breakthrough was reported with the realisation of a mixture of superfluid 7 Li and 6 Li gases [24]. This opens up the exciting possibility to experimentally study for the first time the role of induced interactions in a Bose-Fermi mixture, where both components are superfluid.Here, we study a BEC mixed with a two-component superfluid Fermi gas in the whole BCS-BEC crossover at zero temperature. Using a quasiparticle random-phase approximation (QRPA) to describe the excitations in the Fermi gas, combined with Beliaev theory for the bosons, we show how the fermions give rise to an induced frequency/momentum dependent Bose-Bose interaction, which diverges at the sound mode of the Fermi gas. This results in two qualitatively new effects. First, the dispersion relation of the bosons in the BEC is significantly changed at frequencies/momenta close to the sound mode of the Fermi gas. Second, bosonic excitations are damped due to dissipation, as they can excite quasiparticles in the superfluid Fermi gas [25]. These effects can be used to systematically probe the single particle and collective properties of ...