Accretion of matter onto black holes is universally associated with strong radiative feedback 1 and powerful outflows 2 . In particular, black hole transients 3 show outflows whose properties 4 are strongly coupled to those of the accretion flow. This includes X-ray winds of ionized material, expelled from the accretion disc encircling the black hole, and collimated radio jets 5,6 . Very recently, a distinct optical variability pattern has been reported in the transient black hole transient V404 Cyg, and interpreted as disrupted mass flow into the inner regions of its large accretion disc 7 . Here, we report on the discovery of a sustained outer accretion disc wind in V404 Cyg, which is unlike any seen previously. We find that the outflowing wind is neutral, has a large covering factor, expands at 1% of the speed of light and triggers a nebular phase once accretion sharply drops and the ejecta become optically thin. The large expelled mass (> l0 -8 M ¤ ) indicates that the outburst was prematurely ended when a sizeable fraction of the outer disc was depleted by the wind, detaching the inner regions from the rest of the disc. The luminous, but brief, accretion phases shown by transients with large accretion discs 2 imply that this outflow is most likely a new fundamental ingredient regulating mass accretion onto black holes.The X-ray binary V404 Cyg (GS 2023+338) is a confirmed stellar-mass BH 8 with a precisely determined distance of 2.4 kpc 9 . Following 25 years of quiescence, the Swift mission detected renewed activity on Jun 15, 2015 10 , initiating a 2-week period of intensely violently variable emission across all wavelengths 11,12 . Our high signal-to-noise GTC optical spectra covering the entire X-ray/radio active phase (~15 days) show that, contemporaneously with radio jet emission, continuous ejections of neutral material at ~0.01c are present from low-level accretion phases (<1% of the Eddington luminosity; L EDD ) to the Xray peak (Methods; Fig. 1, ED Fig. 1). These are observed in hydrogen (Balmer) and helium (He I) emission lines as deep P-Cyg profiles throughout the outburst 13 , and extremely broad wings once the Xray and radio fluxes decay. P-Cyg profiles result from resonant scattering in an expanding outflow with a spherical geometry or at least sustaining a large solid angle 14, 15 (Methods). Among a dozen transitions showing this feature, the deepest are seen in the He I-5876 emission line, which is used as a reference for this study (see ED Fig. 2.).The strongest P-Cyg profiles are witnessed during days 1 to 6 (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 for the evolution of the profiles during day 2; Methods), when the X-ray luminosity is typically 10 3 times fainter than the ~L EDD flares displayed later in the outburst 7,11 (ED Fig.1). Blue-shifted absorptions are as deep as 30% below the continuum level and we measure terminal velocities in the range V T =1,500 -3,000 km s -1 (Fig. 1, Fig 2, ED Fig 2; ED Fig. 3). Symmetric red-shifted (i.e. positive velocity) outflow emission, completely detached from the accre...