T HE PRODUCTION of potato pre-basic seed in aeroponic cultures was compared using three different nutrient solutions. Significant differences were recorded in the leaf content of elements P, K, Mg, Fe, B, Mn, and Zn, but not N or Ca, during vegetative growth. The differences between the main effects of the three tested nutrient solution formulas in minituber yield characteristics did not reach the significance level. However, varieties differed significantly in vegetative growth parameters, leaf content of elements, and mini-tuber yield. The Cara variety gave the highest large mini-tuber yield (>18 mm size) per plant in both seasons (20.5 and 27, respectively). Furthermore, the Cara variety yielded the highest total mini-tubers per plant in the second season (39.1). In contrast, in the first season, Cara and Hermes gave the highest significant total mini-tuber yield per plant (29.1 and 28.5, respectively). Diamant recorded the lowest values of mini-tuber number and weight per plant. The interaction between Cara and the second nutrient solution formula resulted in the highest number of large minitubers per plant in both seasons (25.4 and 33.4, respectively). The results support the aeroponic culture's use in the local production of pre-basic seed potato mini-tubers.