The thermal properties of the glueballs are studied using SU(3) anisotropic lattice QCD with β lat = 6.25, the renormalized anisotropy ξ ≡ as/at = 4 over the lattice of the size 20 3 × Nt with Nt = 24,26,28,30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 43, 45, 50, 72 at the quenched level. To construct a suitable operator for the lowest-state glueball on the lattice, we adopt the smearing method, providing an illustration of its physical meaning in terms of the operator size. First, we construct the temporal correlators G(t) for the lowest 0 ++ and 2 ++ glueballs, using more than 5,500 gauge configurations at each temperature T . We then perform the pole-mass measurement of the thermal glueballs from G(t). For the lowest 0 ++ glueball, we observe a significant pole-mass reduction of about 300 MeV in the vicinity of Tc or mG(T ≃ Tc) ≃ 0.8mG(T ∼ 0), while its size remains almost unchanged as ρ(T ) ≃ 0.4 fm. Finally, for completeness, as an attempt to take into account the effect of thermal width Γ(T ) at finite temperature, we perform a more general new analysis of G(t) based on its spectral representation. As an ansatz to the spectral function ρ(ω), we adopt the Breit-Wigner form, and perform the best-fit analysis of the temporal correlator as a straightforward extension to the standard pole-mass analysis. The result indicates a significant broadening of the peak as Γ(T ) ∼ 300 MeV as well as rather modest reduction of the peak center of about 100 MeV near Tc for the lowest 0 ++ glueball. The temporal correlators of the color-singlet modes corresponding to these glueballs above Tc are also investigated.