and naphthalene it is possible to measure the isotopic purity at ionizing voltages below the appearance potential of any fragment ion s and to correct the observed spectra of monodeutero compounds for isotopic impurity.For C,HD the probability of removing the H atom is nearly twice as great as that of removing the D atom. In monodeutero benzene and naphthalene, on the other hand, there is no .such se lectivity, and it is possible to compute the spcctra of the monodeutero compounds on the basis of equal a priori probability of removing a single H or D atom. By assuming that equal probab ili ty holds for doubly charged ions, the complete doubly charged ion spectra can be computed from t he observed half-integer pcaks. Similarly, t he spectra of ClODs and ClOHD7 are computed from a spectrum of a mixture of the two compounds.