The ion current transmitted by the collector slit of a double focusing maw spectrometer is considered as a function of two variables which independently reflect the effects of the instrument's electric and magnetic sectors. The ionic products of reactions occurring in the source and in various regions of the llight tube give rise to peaks or ridges with distinctive shapes and positions in the surface so derived. Volumes under peaks are proportional to abundances of ions. The surface provides a unified view of the alternative methods of scanning and Eaditates understanding of the contrasting perspectives of metastable peaks which they reveal. The method, which may be applied with instruments of either conventional or reversed geometry, is illustrated for the former by reference to that part of the surface for toluene which relates to the loss of H from the molecular ion.Spontaneous and collision induced ion transitions in the flight tube of a mass spectrometer provide valuable information for establishing fragmentation sequences, ionic structures and molecular homogeneity. Further, the spontaneous reactions are representative of ion energies close to the reaction thresholds and can be more sensitive to molecular peculiarities than the faster processes occurring in the ion source at 70eV. Assessments of spontaneous and collision induced ion transitions are therefore of increasing importance in mass ~pectrornetry.'-~ In studies of the reactions of metastable ions in a double focusing mass spectrometer the ion current transmitted by the collector slit may be recorded as a function of a number of independently varied instrumental parameters, of which the accelerating voltage V, the electric sector voltage E, and the magnetic field B are usually the most important. Interpretation of data obtained in this way may be facilitated by constructing from them a three-dimensional surface in which the ion current: is considered as a function of two variables, each of which is derived from V, E and B. For example, data relating to reactions of metastable ions have been displayed by means of projections of three-dimensional plots of ion current against m* and P,"-~ and schematic contour maps of ion current against M, and mJy.8 Computer techniques for assisting the visualization of three-dimensional surfaces are well established and may be implemented readily on many general purpose computer installations with facilities for graphical output.
METHODWe define symbols p and p such that p = ( Vo/V)(E/Eo) and p = (Eo/E)mB where Vo and Eo are t Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. @ Heyden 8 Son Ltd, 1977 reference values of V and E at which the main ion beam is transmitted by the electric sector, and mB, a convenient measure of B, is the mass of singly charged main beam ions transmitted by the magnetic sector when V = Vo and E = Eo. The definition of p is an extension of one used p r e v i~u s l y .~~We shall represent the ion current transmitted by the instrument's collector slit as a function of In (IpI) and In ([pi). ...