The interaction of an acetyl moiety with boron accompanied by the loss of alkyl radical is shown to occur following electron beam ionization in the mass spectrometer. This is similar to the interaction of phosphate with boron previously shown to occur in alkaneboronic esters of certain sugar phosphate dimethyl esters. I n the case of acetates, the interacting moiety can frequently be introduced into a hexose in an equilibrium reaction in which treatment with an alkaneboronic acid is followed by acetylation of the remaining hydroxyl. The interaction, following ionization, is shown to be localized to the adjacent cyclic boronate in the case of D-glucose and D-galactose alkaneboronate acetates. The use of this interaction as a stereochemically sensitive probe of structure is demonstrated. In the course of this work, the cyclic bis(a1kaneboronates) of monoacetylated Dglucose, D-galactose, D-mannose, D-idose, D-allOSe, D-altrose, D-talose, D-glucose, D-fructose, D-sorbose, D-tagatose, and Dpsicose were examined by mass spectrometry. High-resolution data, as well as specific deuterium labeling of the six carbon atoms of glucose, reveal the origin of characteristic classes of ions.The preparation of a substance for mass spectral analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is a n opportunity to exercise some control over the fragmentation process of the ionized molecule. Cyclic boronic esters of carbohydrates are useful because they have steric requirements for their formation and thus confer an additional degree of specificity on stereoisomers. In this respect they resemble isopropylidene derivatives. The boronic esters, however, are rapidly formed in reactions which give quantitative conversions with many sugars.The isopropylidene ketals2 have a further similarity to the alkaneboronates in that both are capable, on electron beam ionization, of losing an alkyl side chain from the derivative moiety to produce a high abundance even electron ion. This similarity is only a formal one, however, because of the different electronic structures of boron and carbon. In the isopropylidene case, the radical loss from carbon produces an ion that is readily stabilized by the 1,3-dioxolane structure. The situation with boron is very different in that the cyclic boronate is incapable of stabilizing the charge left by the departing radical without the intervention of another functionality. W e have reported on this interaction in the case of cyclic alkaneboronates of sugar phosphates3 In the latter the phosphate is the interacting moiety which, when favored by proximity, supports the formation of high abundance [M -alkyl]+ ions.The principal subject of the present paper is the nature of this process in monoacetates of sugar alkaneboronates. The interaction of the acetate with boron appears weaker than that of phosphate, thus more stereoselective, and therefore a more useful probe of structure. Furthermore, the single acetyl moiety is easily introduced in equilibrium reactions with sugars and alkaneboronic acids. The reactio...