“…Mixtures were incubated at room temperature for at least 1 h. For all measurements ∼3 μL of antibody and/or immune-complex-containing mixture was loaded into nanoESI capillaries using microloader pipet tips (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany) and (phospho-) hexapeptide binding behaviors toward the anti-HpTGEKP antibody as well as binding of the Histag peptide binding to the anti-Histag antibody (control) were investigated by ITEM-TWO analyses. 33,39 Offline NanoESI-MS Instrument Settings, Data Acquisition, and Data Analysis. As previously described, 33,37 ITEM-TWO measurements were performed using a Synapt G2S mass spectrometer (Waters MS-Technologies, Manchester, UK) with the following instrumental settings: source temperature, 50 °C; capillary voltage, 1.8 kV; source offset voltage, 130 V; sample cone voltage, 130 V; nanoflow gas, 0.05 bar; trap gas flow (argon), 8 mL/min; transfer collision cell voltage difference, 2 V; trap collision cell voltage difference (V): 0, 2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 110, 120, 145, 165, 180, 200, and 220.…”